Ecologically Correct Environmental Site Assessments!
ETTL Teams with Advanced Ecology, Inc.
- Especially on Large Acreage Projects

In addition to providing "conventional" ESAs, ETTL has teamed up with Advanced Ecology, Inc. (AEI) to make available comprehensive ecological surveys, providing a fully rounded environmental assessment service.

The old adage "What you don't know can't hurt you" no longer has an application today in the acquisition or transfer of real estate, especially when large acreages or rural properties are involved. In a time when more and more corporations and individuals are purchasing undeveloped forest lands or other rural properties, the need for environmental assessments has never been stronger. First, to assure that the property does not contain sites requiring an environmental cleanup, which may be costly as well as time consuming. And second, to assure that the property has no liabilities or constraints associated with the occurrence of endangered species or wetland habitats. This applies not only to those entities purchasing land as a timber investment, but also to those purchasing land for agricultural, wild-life, mineral, industrial or real estate development purposes.

Government agencies, as well as the general public, have never been more aware or protective of our watersheds and biological resources. While the occurrence of these issues may not preclude the purchase of a given property, as a potential owner you certainly want to be aware of their presence prior to completing the transaction. The worst scenario of locating a potential environmental hazard is to receive a call from a government agency or adjacent property owner after assuming title.

For 13 years now, ETTL has been carrying out environmental site assessments (ESAs) on a regular basis, literally thousands of them, concentrating especially on the presence or potential presence of chemical/biological contaminants – work for which we are exceedingly well equipped. ETTL not only has highly trained and certified environmental engineers, geologists, field and laboratory technicians on staff, but has its own in-house modern analytical laboratory facilities as well as a large array of field equipment, including a full fleet of drilling rigs and other units for subsurface investigations.

Now with the recent teaming of Advanced Ecology, Inc. (AEI), ETTL is pleased to offer a "turn-key" approach to environmental investigations. AEI, with offices in Center and Arlington Texas, provides the natural resources/ biological expertise of the team. Their services include: 1) wetland delineations, restoration and mitigation; 2) threatened and endangered species surveys and consultation; 3) vegetation and wildlife inventories; 4) archeological investigations, and 5) biological evaluations and impact statements, as well as permit applications and negotiations. AEI also assists clients with forest inventories, timber appraisals and damage assessments.

AEI is headed up by Terry Anderson, ACF. With a degree in wildlife biology, Mr. Anderson specializes in wetlands restoration and mitigation. Other biologists on the AEI staff include Lance Jones and Doug Ridenour. Mr. Jones acts as the firm's taxonomy specialist, while Mr. Ridenour, previous biologist of the King Ranch, heads up the Arlington office. Wetland scientist James Teaford also plays an active role on many AEI projects.

ETTL's environmental site assessment team, headed up by Steve Kennedy, C.E.P., REM, draws on the services of a variety of in-house experts, including chemist Marcie Nassimbeni, geologists Les Jeske and Jeanie Odom, professional engineer and geologist Brandon Quinn, environmental scientist Robert Brown, and analytical laboratory services manager Mike Cruce. For details on ETTL's basic site assessment services, which include Transaction Screen Questionnaires, Phase I (overview studies), Phase II (detailed problem definition studies) and Phase III ESAs (actual remediation), click here.

For additional information about the joint capabilities of ETTL and AEI, contact ETTL's Steve Kennedy. Or you can reach Terry Anderson of Advanced Ecology, Inc., at 1-800-780-9105, or via FAX at 409-598-9579, or via E-mail at

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