ETTL Contract Drilling for Environmental Studies

ETTL's subsurface exploratory fleet is available to take samples for contents analysis to determine the vertical and horizontal extent of contamination, if present. Such analyses can be carried out either by you, the client, or by ETTL's analytical laboratory and environmental engineering staffs. Our field crews also can install monitoring wells, as well as gas monitoring points. One of ETTL's latest mobile exploratory units - which is highly applicable to environmental sampling projects - is its Model 5400 Geoprobe, a compact percussion-probing unit for swift collection of soil cores, ground-water samples and soil gas samples at depths to 60 feet or more without drilling.

ETTL's field crews are highly trained in OSHA protection practices, and they are equipped with personal protection gear as required in contaminated sites (right).

The man to talk to at ETTL for detailed information about obtaining subsurface samples for environmental determinations is ETTL's Jim Farr.

You'll also find information about the capabilities
of ETTL's various drilling rigs and other subsurface
investigatory equipment if you'll return to the
ETTL Environmental & Geotechnical Drilling Services Page

For information on the wide range of services
provided by ETTL's analytical laboratory, see the
ETTL Analytical Testing Services Page

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