The Sundering of the Elves


QUENDI ~ The Elves
|                                                        |
ELDAR                                            AVARI
Elves of the Great Journey from Cuiviénen           "The Unwilling": Elves who refused the journey
________________|______________                                                              |                                     
|                                |                                       |                                                             |                                      

All went to Aman    All went to Aman   _______|______________                             |                                                    
|                                 |                     |                     |                           |                            |                                      
         |                                 |          Those that       Those that      Those that left            |                                                
 |                                 |       went to Aman   remained in      the march of the         |                                        
 |______________|_________|                Beleriand:       Teleri east of the        |                                       
|                                                     |                   Misty Mtns.              |              
 CALAQUENDI           SINDAR            |                                    
"Elves of the Light" (High Elves)             (Grey Elves)        NANDOR             |                                            
(They came to Aman in the days                         |         (of whom some after-          |                                            
of the Two Trees)                                       |        wards went to Beleriand):    |                                
|     (Green Elves of Ossiriand)     |
                                      |____________|                            |
                                                    |                                           |
ÚMANYAR                |
The Eldar who were "not of Aman"           |
"Elves of the Darkness"
                                                 (They never saw the Light of the Trees)


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