ETTL's Model 5400 Geoprobe

ETTL's Geoprobe is a compact, convenient, hydraulically powered percussion/probing machine. Mounted in a Ford-250 truck, it can be swiftly folded out and operated, not only vertically or at an angle for probing beneath structures, but its locus can be changed for probing multiple holes without altering the truck's position. The Geoprobe uses static force and a percussion hammer to advance small-diameter (1" to 2") sampling tools without the use of drilling for the collection of soil cores, ground-water samples and soil gas samples. It also has the ability to drill through surface pavements using concrete drill bits, or to auger through frost and other tough surface materials; then the hammer can be switched to its percussion mode and the machine used for rapid probing. It permits taking ground-water samples without the need for installing a monitoring well, but it also can be used for actual installation of monitoring wells.

Providing a highly economical way to carry out sampling operations, the Geoprobe is fast, probing from 5 to 10 feet per minute! It generally operates at depths of 30 to 60 feet; but, depending on soil conditions, can go much deeper. Sampling also is fast: 15 to 30 sample locations per day. Stroke is 54 inches, enabling the Geoprobe to accept a variety of probe rod lengths. The probing tools not only create small diameter holes that minimize surface disturbance, but no cuttings are produced during the sampling process. Tools can be interchanged at any time. Continuous soil samples can be taken which stay in clear plastic sleeves for transport to the soil lab, or they can be opened for field inspection.

The person at ETTL to contact for more
detailed data and availability information
about the Geoprobe is Jim Farr

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