East Texas Corporate

Recycling Council

The Council

The East Texas Corporate Recycling Council is a non-profit corporation established to encourage waste reduction and recycling by area businesses through leadership and education. We also encourage the use of recycled goods to preserve the Texas environment.

The Council is a partnership of East Texas area businesses, government agencies, environmental organizations and individuals that share a common goal-reducing solid waste through source reduction and recycling.

The ETCRC is the local chapter of the Texas Corporate Recycling Council.

For more information call (903) 581-3637 or E-mail at etcrc@iname.com

The Goals

Organize efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle in the East Texas area.

Provide an information exchange regarding solid waste issues and corporate recycling practices.

Promote programs and incentives to area businesses that recycle.

Stimulate market demand for recycled products.

Attract environmentally responsible businesses and recycling facilities to the East Texas area.

Support and influence public policy that encourages recycling.

The Benefits

Membership in the local chapter of Texas most important organization impacting recycling and solid waste issues on a corporate level.

Networking opportunities with East Texas area businesses that share your concern for the environment.

Involvement in monthly Council meetings with presentations by industry experts and round table discussions on current environmental issues.

Recognition for your company through Council awards and public relations.

Participation in special programs, events and conferences dealing with recycling and solid waste issues from a business perspective.

Quartely newsletter with up-to-date information on recycling, Council members pending legislation and other pertinent issuse.

The Committees

The ETCRC encourages member involvement in one of the following committees. Your input is a vital resource for achieving Council goals.

Membership Development

Identifies and recruits member companies, assisting in program start-up and development to promote member retention.


Plans monthly Council meetings. Develops and implements internal training seminars and community educational programs.


Develops and maintain ETCRC communications and coordinated all media and community relations.

Industry Affairs

Develops dialog with recycling industry members, monitoring conditions to provide current information on corporate recycling incentives.

Legislative Affairs

Monitors and assists where possible proposed and pending Texas legislation and regulations concerning recycling and solid waste management.

Membership Application

The ETCRC officers and member organizations are committed to making the council a successful partnership between business and the environment. Please join us.

Register my membership as indicated:

Businesses with 100 employees


Businesses with 15-100 employees


Businesses with less than 15 employees


Individuals or non-profit organizations


East Texas Corporate Recycling Council

414 N. Bois D' Arc Ave.

Tyler, Tx. 75702

(903) 531-1280